
Time to Learn to Draw - First Go

So this blog is going to be a way to track how I go with learning to draw. I've long thought that I can't draw. At some point in childhood I decided I couldn't draw and that was that. Ruth has told me many times that anyone can learn to draw. I've felt sceptical. Then at Christmas dinner there was a discussion about art as my uncle Eric paints and is quite good at it. I mentioned how I've always felt like I can't draw but that I've been told it's not true. Eric suggested I get hold of the book Drawing On The Right Side by Betty Edwards. He reckoned that would sort me out. Enthused, I used a Christmas book voucher to pick up the book at Readings. This blog will be my way of logging how I'm progressing through the book. January 14th: The first thing the book asks is that I do three drawings before we launch into learning how to draw. These are the "Before" drawings so I've got a baseline of how crap I used to be once I'm all m